Beyond The Veil Press

Poetry and Art for Mental Health Awareness

Hello! We’re an indie press based in San Diego, California and Denver, Colorado. We publish anthologies and chapbooks with a focus on mental health awareness and donate 10% of anthology net sales to a mental health non-profit. Some anthologies donate all net proceeds to a specific non-profit. We are queer and trans owned.

Beyond The Veil refers to “that realm which lies beyond the realm of the living, whatever that might be.” Meaning, what can we learn about depression, anxiety, and trauma from those who have been to that dark place? What can we learn about survival, community, and healing from those who have been to that dark place and returned still breathing?

This is what we hope to find beyond the veil with you. Boldly telling our stories of mental illness and healing is how we stop the stigma and find strength in each other. Vulnerability is rewarded with vulnerability is rewarded with vulnerability. And our collective healing continues.

Welcome to the cult club of Mr Bitey! We’re happy you’re here.

Hey Denver! Join us for Queer Poetry Open Mic every LAST Sunday of the month at Goldspot Brewing! Sign-up at 5:30pm, open mic 6pm-8pm.

Location: 4970 Lowell Blvd, Denver, CO 80221

New Releases for ​2024!

July 14, 2024

Acid Rain Epithalamium

Becca Downs

Marked with gorgeous explorations in form, the poet uses the page as her canvas to examine the before and the after, and to stare deeply down the middle. Throughout the collection, Downs’ voice emerges with strength, tenderness, rich with emotional

gravitas. Her deft, delicate hand and elegant poems are powerful, wrestling with compelling narratives around inherited beliefs and choices while creating a new path forward to a life and a world that is worthy of poignant and exacting poetry. - Suzi Q. Smith, author of Gospel of Bones

June 2024


by Talicha J.

Taking Back the Body is a stunning reclamation manifesto for anyone who has experienced sexual violence. Talicha J. finds the clarity that is sometimes challenging for survivors. Her journey to chronicle the body illuminates a path of embodiment and empowerment. —Sara Beth Brooks, activist and poet

An Anthology of Poetry & Art by Survivors of Sexual Assault

An Anthology of Poetry & Art by BIPOC Voices on Reclaiming Identity through Invention

Upcoming Events

See our Instagram to verify details.

Denver Poets

Cafe Writing Session

When: 11:00am-1:00pm, every Tuesday

Where: Queen City Coffee inside Town Hall ​Collective, 525 Santa Fe Dr, Denver, CO 80204

What: Bring whatever you’re working on and let’s ​write together! Hosted by Tyler Hurula.

Queer Poetry Open Mic

When: 5:30pm-8pm, every last Sunday

Where: Goldspot Brewing, 4970 Lowell Blvd, ​Denver, CO 80221

What: Grab a beer and read a poem! You’ll love ​these incredibly supportive and talented poets!

Hosted by Tyler Hurula.

San Diego Poets

Cafe Writing Session

When: 11am-1pm, first & third Wednesdays

Where: Good Omen Coffee, 4590 Park Blvd,

San Diego, CA 92116

What: Bring whatever you’re working on and let’s write together! Hosted by Sarah Herrin.


When: 10:00am-11:30am, every Sunday

Where: register (log into your Zoom acct first)

What: Virtual body doubling as we work on our own projects. We’ll say a quick hello, read a poem for inspiration, and check in again at the end! Hosted by Sarah Herrin.

Virtual Poets

Shop Anthologies

10% of net proceeds donated to a featured mental health nonprofit

Shop Chapbooks

Request in your local bookshop thru Ingram!



Reasons why no one wants to be my friend

shayne haskens



anti/muse reversed

sarah herrin

Shop Indie Bookstores


Trident Cafe (Boulder)

Matter (Denver)

Petals & Pages of Denver - queer woman owned (Denver)

Townie Books - woman owned (Crested Butte)


Skylight Books (Los Angeles)

Village Books & Paper Dreams (Los Angeles)

A Bookstore Near You

The Umbrella Bookstore (Salt Lake City, UT)

F12 Infoshop - trans owned (Charlottesville, VA)

Chamberlin Uptown (Jacksonville, FL)

International Shops

Octopus Books (Ontario, Ottawa, CAN)

Gays The Word Bookstore (London, UK)

Ask your local bookstore to order us through Ingram!

Submissions Open

Deadline July 31st

Queer Pride Anthology

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions are read BLIND. Please do not include your name anywhere on the work or in the file name. If your name is included somewhere in the work, black it out for now and you can change it before publishing. This is to avoid as much bias as possible.
  • Remember to title your work. A title is a valuable tool that can help inform the poem’s intention. If it doesn’t have a title, write Untitled but make sure you have a good reason to leave it untitled.
  • Be sure that your work fits the theme of the anthology. We accept anything surrounding mental health awareness, but it can be about your lived experience as well. Each anthology has a different theme, such as: healing, queer joy, and BIPOC voices on transformation.
  • Please submit 3-5 pieces. We want a full scope of your work to choose from.
  • Previously published work and simultaneous submissions are okay, but we prefer the new stuff! (Let us know asap if your work is accepted elsewhere.)
  • Pay attention to the elements of craft.
  • Send your work in Word or Google Docs and JPG for artwork. No PDFs please.
  • Contributors receive a free PDF and/or eBook copy of the work, and a limited window to purchase author copies at a discount before the book is released.
  • Any submission that doesn’t follow these guidelines may not be processed.

Questions? Email beyondtheveilpress[at]gmail[dot]com or DM on Instagram: @beyondtheveilpress.

Meet The Team

Sage Herrin (they/the​m)


  • Co-founder
  • Editor
  • Social Media
  • PR & Marke​ting

Tyler Hurula (she/they)


  • Editor
  • Open Mic Host
  • Events Coordinator
  • Workshops


Kris Kaila (she/her)


AJ Wojtalik (she/her)



SCAD grads Josiah & Sage founded the press in March 2021.

Josiah Callaway (he/him)

Tennessee to NYC @josiahcallaway

Sage (Sarah) Herrin (they/them)

FL/GA to San Diego @theshatteredmuse

Mr Bitey (aka Hero)

Seattle to Colorado to San Diego

Creative Services

Need some friendly feedback on your work? Our editors can take a look at 1-3 poems and offer suggestions based on your concerns.

See form for details.

Polaroid Frame
Blank Photo Frame

we love!

Mental Health Resources

Please keep in mind that we are artists, not medical professionals. These are resources that we have used personally or were recommended to us. They may not be for everyone.




Wanna Talk About It - Sexual Violence & Relationship Abuse; Mental Health & Well-Being; Self-Harm & Suicide

Anxiety & Depression Society of America

Mental Health Is Health – Immediate articles and help.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Active Minds – Mental health awareness and education.

Mental Health Colorado - an advocacy organization.


Queer*Asterisk – Queer-informed counseling services, educational trainings, and community programming.

Out Boulder - supporting LGBTQ+ communities in Boulder & beyond.

The Trevor Project – Crisis intervention and suicide prevention for youth.


Co-Occurring Disorders and Substance Abuse


Helping Survivors of Sexual Assault and Abuse

RAINN - The nation's largest anti-sexual violence org.

Rape Hurts Foundation - Excellent Help, I Can’t Do This page worth reading.


Permission to come home: reclaiming mental health as Asian Americans - Jenny Wang

The Pain We Carry: Healing from C-PTSD for People of Color - Natalie Gutierrez

Journey Through Trauma: Guide to Healing Repeated Trauma - Gretchen Schmelzer

The Deepest Well - Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

My Grandmother’s Hands - Resmaa Menakem *tw: police violence

What My Bones Know - Stephanie Foo (memoir)

The Journey From Abandonment To Healing – Susan Anderson

Waking The Tiger - Peter Levine

Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma, & Consensual Nonmonogamy – Jessica Fern

Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS - Jay Early

The Body Keeps The Score – Bessel van der Kolk


Where Is My Mind? – Niall Breslin

The Hilarious World of Depression; Depreche Mode – John Moe

The Happiness Lab – Dr. Laurie Santos

Speaking of Psychology – Kim I. Mills

Being Well – Dr. Rick Hanson and Forrest Hanson

Sober Awkward - Hamish Adams-Cairns and Victoria Vanstone

(C) Beyond The Veil Press 2021-24